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What's so funny about poker?

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Bad Poker Face?

Contact Lens

Has the boss really caught him asleep at his desk?


Where did he get that suit… and exactly what is he looking at?

New Dress

What do you say to the girlfriend when she poses in a new outfit?

Blind Beggar

Just another LA street scene… with a twist.

UFO Spotter

Where did he see aliens late last night?


Edward though he had found his perfect match.

Office Discipline

Meet Miss Stern, the latest management initiative.

No One to Play With?

Security Guard

Just who is he playing with?

Security Guard with thoughtover

Some players should keep their thoughts to themselves.

Dead Man's Hand

Who is holding Aces and Eights?


Take one frustrated poker player and a foot pump.

Good at Bluffing?

Meet The Parents

How do you explain why your boyfriend won't come home.


It's a tough job but somebody's gotta do it.


What happened to the hood of his car?

Lie Detector

The truth will out … won't it?

Rock Star

The oldest actor in Hollywood gets lucky.